Vanilla CBD Oil Drops Product Review by Ally Brown | CBD Gummies

Vanilla CBD Oil Drops Product Review by Ally Brown | CBD Gummies

Sugar and Kush always loves when people send feedback on our CBD oils/CBD gummies and talks about the CBD benefits. Some of those people, like Ally Brown, were nice enough to review our Vanilla CBD oil.

Find out more about Ally on her Instagram page


So, I just kind of wanted to talk about what I just posted. I talked about this CBD oil which is freaking amaaaazing! So, I just started taking this. I wanted to take it for about a week, a week to a week and a half. Let's see, when did I get it? I got it like March 25th I think. So, it's been about a week and a half. And, I've taken CBD oils before which I talked about in the post.

I really like this CBD oil because, one I don't get tired off of it, it does help me sleep because it helps you not feel anxious, it helps you not overthink. It helps you with things like anxiety and stuff but it's not going to make you drowsy. There is no drowsiness with this product, at least not for me. I didn't feel any drowsiness, and also take it before my workouts too. It helps a lot with recovery and everything. There is no THC so it's not going to get you high. There is absolutely no THC. It's not even going to have like the .03% THC. There is no THC, it's pure CBD isolate. 16 mgs per one dropper and it's a 500 mg CBD oil per bottle.

Yeah, so this is called Sugar and Kush. It's such a cute logo and I really like the gummy bears. I only have a couple left because they're a little bit stronger than this and I just love them. They taste good and they help a lot. So, I have been taking that too.

So I don't know if you guys know the benefits of CBD oil. I'm kind of going more into them in a video that I’ll make for my Youtube channel. But, there is a lot of benefits to CBD oil which I didn't really believe because I have always been against marijuana and everything. Which this is not, this doesn't have the THC in it. And it is completely legal, it helps with anxiety so much, it helps with inflammation, it can actually help with diabetes and sugar level. It can help with arthritis, it really helps with just stress and everything and sleeping.

I think people think it's just a scam. I think people think that it's just like a fake thing. But, honestly, I truly believe that it helps a lot and I have tried other CBD oil brands and nothing has compared to this CBD oil brand. Some of the others were really good. I've tried the local brands, I've tried Green Roads and I honestly can say that I like this one a lot better. It's helped with my anxiety a lot more. And, it's helped with inflammation.

This CBD oil has also helped me lose weight and stuff. I guess that kind of goes along with inflammation and stress because if you are stressed then you are eating more and so that is probably what it is. But, I can honestly say that one I like the flavor of this one way better than any other brand. Because any other brand has had a strong, like you can almost taste this like hemp plant. And, also the vanilla tastes really good. I have a cotton candy one which is literally like my favorite. But, I have had like half the bottle so I kind of wanted to start another one so I can save that one. And then there is one that is unflavored that I tried that one to and literally it tastes like unflavored nothing.

I don't know. I really love it. I love the brand.

Alright, it's called Sugar and Kush and like I will put a little, actually I'm not going to, I will put the link in my BIO and you guys can just click on that and see it. So yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed this little talk. I have a post up and I will be doing a couple other posts and I'm also going to have a Youtube video pretty soon. Thank you guys for watching.

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